2023 Mac-a-Cheek Piatt Castle Scholastic

2023 Mac-a-Cheek Piatt Castle Scholastic Tournament
Saturday, October 7th
10051 Township Rd 47, West Liberty, OH 43357
Organizer: Mac-a-Cheek Piatt Castle with collaboration with The Columbus Chess Academy
Contact: Kathy Lin, 614-746-7682, info@columbuschessacademy.org
Nonrated NOTE: All of the nonrated sections have been combined. The top 7 students will receive a trophy.
Reserve U800 (K-12): Grades K-12 with ratings below 800
Championship (K-12): Includes top rated players from all grade levels
Students in the Reserve and Championship sections must be registered with US Chess before the tournament. October ratings will be used. Notation is required in the Championship section. Players should bring their own clock if they have one. Sets will be provided. Sections may change if there are too few participants in any section. If this happens, you will be notified.
All Sections: 5 Round Swiss, G30;d5. Students play all rounds; no elimination. Two half-point byes may be requested before the start of round 2.
9:30 – 9:45: Self-check-in. No section changes after 9:45 AM
9:55: Announcements
10:00: Round 1
Subsequent rounds will start once everyone in the section finishes.
Entry Fee:
Register at columbuschessacademy.org. $30 for all online registrations until September 30th; thereafter $40 registration fee. Onsite registration allowed. USCF discounted membership: $13 for expired members, must request when registering. Refunds for withdrawals with $5 administrative fee will be given if requested by 6:00 PM, October 6th. No refunds thereafter. Discounted entry fee for students with financial need are available. Please contact info@columbuschessacademy.org for more information.
Place trophies awarded to the top five players in each section. Trophies awarded to top 2 teams in each section. A team consists of students who attend the same school. Top four players’ scores count towards team score. Participation medal or chess keychain available to each player. Awards will be conducted as sections finish.
The Flying Pepper food truck will be available from 11:30 AM – 2 PM. No food will be available after 2 PM. Feel free to bring your own food and snacks. There are also restaurants about 15-minutes away.
All participants get FREE ENTRY into Piatt Castle; all coaches, family, and friends will get a discounted rate into the castle.
Piatt Castle Mac-A-Cheek
10051 Township Rd 47, West Liberty, OH 43357, USA
Thank you for registering!
Thank you for registering!
If you do not have a team, but would like to be assigned to a team when a spot becomes available, please fill out the Individual Registration form. If you already have a team, have your TEAM CAPTAIN fill out the Team Registration. Other members of the team do not have to submit a registration.