2023 Cardinal Open

Cardinal Open
Feb 3rd – Feb 5th, 2023
<iframe src="https://www.uschess.org/msa/XtblMain.php?202302056192.0-15827114" title="Open Results" />
Hilton Garden Inn Akron
1307 E Market St, Akron, OH 44305
Hotel Rate: $119.00. Call (330)733-2900 and ask for the "Cardinal Open Chess Tournament" Block Rate or copy and paste the following link into your browser: https://group.hiltongardeninn.com/jsvn0k
Must reserve by 1/16 for guaranteed rate. Onsite restaurants and many restaurants are within a 5-mile radius of the hotel.
5 Round Swiss. Time Control: 40/120, SD/30; inc 10. 2 Day Option: Rds. 1&2 G/60; inc 10.
Bring clocks, none provided.
$10,000 based 140 paid entries in 5 sections
Entry Fee: $120 by 1/23 $130 at site or online until two hours before round one. GM, IM, WGM, WIM free. No prize deductions.
5 Round Swiss
2- or 3-Day Options: Open (FIDE Rated), U2100, U1800, U1500, U1200
Open Section (FIDE Rated): $1500-800-500 (top 3 guaranteed), top Under 2300: $400-200
Under 2100, U1800, U1500: $1000-500-300-150
Under 1200: $500-300-200, top Under 1000: $150-100
3-Day Schedule: Registration ends 6:30 PM Friday February 3rd, 2023
Time Control for all Rounds: 40/120, SD/30; inc 10
Friday 7 PM
Saturday 10 AM 5 PM
Sunday 10 AM 4 PM
2-Day Schedule: Registration ends 9:30 AM Saturday, February 4th, 2023
Time Control for Rounds 1-2: G/60; inc 10; Rounds 3-5: 40/120, SD/30; inc 10
Saturday 10 AM 1:30 PM 5 PM
Sunday 10 AM 4 PM
Unrated players may win no more than 50% of any prize
Doubles Bonus Prize: $200-100. Best male/female or female/female 2-player “team” combined score among all sections. Must average under 2200; may play in different sections. Register by 1:30 PM February 4th. Prize limits do not apply to Doubles Bonus Prize. No additional fee to register.
February official USCF ratings used. Unofficial uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Players must reveal foreign, FIDE and other over the board ratings, and these ratings, adjusted, if necessary, may be used, if higher than USCF.
Blitz Tournament: Saturday, February 4th at 9:30 PM, registration from 8:00 pm to 9:15 pm.
More details on-site.
No outside spectators allowed in the playing hall.
Register at: www.columbuschessacademy.org
Contact: Kala Bagley 330 475-2964, Discovery Chess Academy
Hilton Garden Inn Akron
1307 E Market St, Akron, OH 44305, USA
Thank you for registering!
Thank you for registering!
If you do not have a team, but would like to be assigned to a team when a spot becomes available, please fill out the Individual Registration form. If you already have a team, have your TEAM CAPTAIN fill out the Team Registration. Other members of the team do not have to submit a registration.